USCIS Social Media Policy

USCIS Social Media Policy

November 2, 2017 by no comments

Social Media Policy

We use social media technologies and websites to provide you with information in more places and more ways. This page outlines all our official communication channels and resources and why we use them. We are providing the following links to our presence on third-party sites for your reference. We do not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications.

USCIS on Instagram
Official Instagram page of USCIS. Privacy and comment policy:

USCIS on Facebook
Official Facebook page of USCIS. Privacy and comment policy:

USCIS on Twitter
Follow @USCIS on Twitter for daily citizenship and immigration updates. Twitter is a microblogging platform that allows users to post short text messages (up to 140 characters in length) and converse with other users via their phone or web browsers.  Tweets are also available in Spanish.

USCIS YouTube Videos
YouTube is a social media website that allows the sharing of information to the public using videos.

USCIS Email Updates
Email updates provide information directly in your inbox. We never send unsolicited emails, and you can choose which updates you want to receive. Email updates are provided by a third-party company, GovDelivery.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) data feeds automatically provide updated information as soon as it becomes available. You will need an RSS reader to receive RSS feeds. To begin receiving USCIS RSS feeds, please follow instructions on the USCIS RSS page.

DHS Social Hub
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Social Hub features live social media conversations from all DHS components.       

Social Media Privacy Policy

We do not collect or retain any privacy information from our use of third-party web 2.0 applications. We do, however, retain a copy of all comments posted to our sites as required by our records retention policy and will only be releasing them when required by federal law.

When you comment on one of our posts, we ask that you do not provide any personally identifiable information such as a case number, Social Security number, or any other information you do not want the general public to know. We will attempt to remove any personally identifiable information from these sites, but may not be able to do so until after it has been made publically available. If you choose to post personally identifiable information on any public site, you do so at your own risk. We will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from any comments posted on these applications. The privacy policies of all third-party sites apply when collecting and distributing user data. We encourage you to read the privacy policies before registering or posting to any application.

USCIS employees or those acting on behalf of USCIS cannot alter official imagery, except using photographic techniques common to traditional darkrooms and digital imaging stations such as:

  • Dodging;
  • Burning;
  • Color balancing;
  • Spotting; and
  • Contrast adjustments that are used to achieve the accurate recording of an event or object.

The obvious masking of portions of a photographic image in support of specific security, privacy or legal requirements is authorized. The use of cropping, editing or enlargement to selectively isolate, link or display a portion of a photographic or video image is not considered alteration. Cropping, editing or image enlargement that has the effect of misrepresenting the facts or circumstances of the event or object as originally recorded is prohibited.

Photographic and video post-production enhancement, including animation; digital simulation; graphics and special effects used for dramatic or narrative effect in education; training illustrations; publications; or productions, is authorized under either of the conditions below:

  1. The enhancement does not misrepresent the subject of the original image; or,
  2. It is clearly and readily apparent from the context or from the content of the image or accompanying text that the enhanced image is not intended to be an accurate representation of any actual event.

Note: All photos on these social media accounts were taken at public events or with the express permission of the subjects in the photos.

We reserve the right to remove any comments containing:

  • Profanity;
  • Personal attacks of any kind;
  • Spam;
  • Names of federal civil service employees;
  • Offensive terms that target specific ethnic or racial groups;
  • Threats (which we will forward to appropriate law enforcement agencies);

AND content that:

  • Promotes commercial products;
  • Is geared toward the success or failure of a partisan political party, group or candidate;
  • Incites hate; or
  • Is the subject to an infringement claim, that is deemed to be an infringement of intellectual property, or that is otherwise objectionable.

Any opinions expressed by commentators on the USCIS social media pages, except as specifically noted, are solely those of the individual offering commentary, and does not reflect any USCIS policy, endorsement or action.

Last Reviewed/Updated: