Americans celebrate Independence Day

Americans celebrate Independence Day

June 26, 2020 by no comments

Independence Day, or July 4, honors the birthday of the United States of America. On this day in 1776 the Declaration of Independence was adopted at the Second Continental Congress. Today, Americans celebrate our nation’s independence with parades, fireworks, patriotic songs, and readings of the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence and Independence Day are important in the United States and prospective citizens may see them in several places on the naturalization test. There are six questions on the civics test on these two topics, including, “What did the Declaration of Independence do?” and “When do we celebrate Independence Day?”. Independence Day is also one of the holidays that applicants may be required to read or write as part of the English test.

For Independence Day, we want to highlight some of the resources USCIS offers for learners and teachers that are related to this important day.


USCIS has educational materials to help you learn about the United States and prepare for the naturalization process. Here are several products that refer to Independence Day:


In addition to the products highlighted above, USCIS offers free online tools and materials for educators and volunteers. Some examples include:

For more information about Independence Day, visit:
