Full Resumption of U.S. Visa Services in Turkey

Full Resumption of U.S. Visa Services in Turkey

December 28, 2017 by no comments

Full Resumption of U.S. Visa Services in Turkey

Media Note

Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
December 28, 2017

Since October, the government of Turkey has adhered to the high-level assurances it provided to the United States that there are no additional local employees of our Mission in Turkey under investigation, that local staff of our Embassy and consulates will not be detained or arrested for performing their official duties – including communicating with Turkish officials also working in an official capacity – and that Turkish authorities will inform the U.S. Government in advance if the Government of Turkey intends to detain or arrest any member of our local staff in the future.

Based on adherence to these assurances, the Department of State is confident that the security posture has improved sufficiently to allow for the full resumption of visa services in Turkey. We continue to have serious concerns about the existing allegations against arrested local employees of our Mission in Turkey. We are also concerned about the cases against U.S. citizens who have been arrested under the state of emergency. U.S. officials will continue to engage with their Turkish counterparts to seek a satisfactory resolution to these cases.

Source link: https://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2017/12/276772.htm