“She said we were going to be successful… she kept fighting”

“She said we were going to be successful… she kept fighting”

February 27, 2019 by no comments

Hilario Aguilera
JMI Client

“I want to thank God and the lawyer Jeanne Morales for the service she offered me.”

“We had a very long process, but thank God now we are seeing the fruits, the fruits of that process we’d have.”

“They (officers) turned us around, saying we needed extra documents, but Jeanne Morales Attorney helped us a lot, as long with her assistants.”

“I recommend the lawyer because she really showed support to us; she supported us, good enough.”

“I know it’s a long process, but not for everyone is the same, but she is always is pushing things, telling us that we can achieve it, no matter if something seems to be missing, she said that we are going to be successful and she kept fighting.”

“On this day, thank God, I received what I was waiting so long, I thank the lawyer, the assistants, and I recommend her to you all.”

“I know dealing with lawyers is difficult, but I really recommend them.”

Hilario Aguilera
JMI Client

“Quiero agradecerle primeramente a Dios y a la abogada Jeanne Morales por el servicio que me ofreció.”

“Hemos tenidos un tramite muy largo pero gracias a Dios que ahora han venido los frutos, los frutos de ese tramite que hemos tenido.”

“Que nos regresan, que necesitamos papeles, pero la abogada Jeanne Morales nos ha ayudado bastante, con sus asistentes que han estado detrás de nosotros con lo que necesitamos, gracias a cada uno de ellos.”

“Y les recomiendo a la abogada porque realmente si lo apoya a uno, si lo apoyan bastante.”

“Es un proceso largo, no todos son iguales, pero ella siempre no está impulsando que si se puede que si se puede hacer esto, que falta un papel, pero que vamos a salir con lo que estamos peleando”

“Hasta este día pues Gracias a Dios ya recibí lo que tanto espere, le agradezco a la abogada, a los asistentes, y se los recomiendo a todos.”

“Yo sé que los abogados son difícil, pero a ellos se los recomiendo en verdad.”